I’ve been in the Snowy Mountains for almost a month now and am settling in nicely despite the fact that I have picked up the inevitable round of winter colds. At work I’ve been moved from the floor into the kitchen. Not the kitchen proper thankfully but just the front service counter where I am chief pie lady. Yup, I serve the pies and nachos. It’s not very exciting or difficult but at the end of the day I feel like I’ve earned my money and I can leave all the pies behind for the evening and head home to enjoy a quiet night in front if the tv or laptop. I’ve still only got two flatmates but we are expecting more tomorrow and I have been repeatedly threatened with a roommate of my own though one has yet to appear. One advantage of being chief pie lady is that I am now working six days a week which should be good for the ol’ bank balance. Also good for the bank balance is my unwillingness to venture out in to the cold even if it means going to the pub, and unwillingness helped by my winter cold I’m sure. At this rate I’ll be able to make it all the way to WA without finding another job!
You’d think that working six days would mean I would be lazy on my day off but in typical Lynne style I managed to keep busy on most of my days off. I think it is a diversion technique as though I would like to explore Jindy more it’s very cold out there and doing chores inside and baking muffins keeps me toasty warm. I have made it to the cinema a couple of times and there are tentative plans with some friends to look for a decent restaurant and head there for dinner one night so I may pick up a little bit of a social life yet. For now though that’s all I have to report. Obviously staying put is nowhere near as interesting as moving about so I’ll probably blog less often over the next three months but I’ll be sure to check in if anything interesting happens along the way. At the moment the most interesting thing I have to report is that though Jindy is still snowless we have real actual proper snow up the mountain at Thredbo where I work!