Ok that sounds a bit scary considering how this all started
but this time it was in a good way and nowhere near as complete, so please stop
panicking. The week that changed my life started in a boring classroom where I
tried not to fall asleep as I watch videos about everything and anything that
can go wrong when diving. Two days of classroom and pool activities seemed so
innocuous even though I knew they were building up to the main event: scuba diving
in the Great Barrier Reef. Everyone who had been diving and told me I would
love it. I have already said that I found the pool decidedly less exciting this
time round but I did distantly remember the excitement of the first time I swam
whilst breathing under water. However getting cold in the pool two days in a
row and then struggling to find a mask that didn’t leak meant I was slightly apprehensive
about how much I would really love being out in the water. Between the alternating
excitement and worrying bouts I doubted I would get any sleep but I guess I had
been working harder than I thought in the pool because I went to bed then
before I knew it six am had arrived and it was time to check out of the hostel
and head for my boat!
I met up with the rest of my class and the other passengers
at the dive shop we had visited the previous day. From there we were taken to
the reef terminal and our boat and home for the next two nights. Once we were
on our way to the reef we were given the safety talk, shown yet another video
and of course assigned our cabins and bunk mates. Having met someone who had
been on the trip previously I was assured that though small the cabins weren’t
as bad as she had feared. I think this is because she was certified. Our cabins
were fine, they were after all only a place to sleep but I am sure they put us
learners in the smallest ones and me and my bunk buddy in the smallest of all.
I am sure this is karma’s retribution for being unable to pack lightly. Small as
they were they were perfectly adequate for our needs. Stuff duly dumped and safety
info absorbed it wasn’t too long before we were out on the reef and even from
the surface it looked stunning. I don’t think I quite took in that I was
looking at one of the natural wonders of the world. I was too taken by the way
the rainforest surrounded the city we were leaving being and then continued all
along the coast as far as I could see. It made me quite sad that after lugging
it from the hostel to the shop to the boot my SLR had decided to stop working (ungrateful
piece of technology!). Thankfully it was such a stunning memory I hope to hang
on to it without the aid of my camera for once.
By 11am we were at our first dive site and it was time for
us to suit up (not not like in How I Met Your Mother) and assemble and get on
all our scuba gear for our first open water dive! We were out at the Milln Reef
and the sea looked gorgeous. It was blue, clear and flat and I wanted to jump
on in; which was quite fortunate as soon that was exactly what we were doing.
Finally it was time to put all our pool practice to the test. We were in the
open water. It was quite simply amazing. It is the most amazing thing I have
ever done. We had to do a few skill tests but we did them kneeling on the sand
at the bottom of the sea. It was hard not to get distracted by the fishes
swimming about but somehow we managed it and skills completed we swam around
the reef for a while just cruising and taking it all in. Honestly, there are no
words for how amazingly amazing this was. My friends had all been right and my
worries were for nought, I was hooked. To top it all off once we were back on
the boat and waiting for lunch, since our divers were shorter than the
certified divers, we saw a sea turtle swimming near the boat popping up for air
now and then. My first sea turtle!!! I couldn’t imagine the day getting any
Back on the boat and it was time for lunch. Now our class
happened to have adopted a table as our own which was right bedside the lunch
queue which meant we got served first and were able to claim seconds as well. Can
you tell that there was more than one backpacker amongst us? I think the other
guest soon figured that one out too. After lunch it was time for dive number
two. After our last dive we had to disassemble all our gear so we headed out before
the certified divers to re-assemble and get ready and perform our buddy checks.
Having decided we were all assembled correctly and that everyone had their air
on it was time to get back in the water. So the second time I was in the pool
it was a lot less exciting, logic says that maybe the open water would be the
same, nope. It was just as amazing. I was under water and I was breathing and
swimming and I wanted to stay there forever. I want to live there. I was
absolutely without a doubt born the wrong species. There were more skills tests but less than the
last time. Our instructor tried to do as many as possible the first time so
that this time we got more cruising about time. Oh my God, it was stunning. I
love diving. I was so excited I even loved filling out my log book, working out
my residual nitrogen and noting my depths and dive times. Who would have
thought I would love paperwork so much? Sadly that was us for our first days
The certified divers had one more day dive left so we headed
out to the water with our underwater cameras and snorkel gear. Now I know this is
going to be difficult to believe but I got lost. Not from the boat, it was a
bit too big to lose but from my class mates. I did find them and got a few
photos but nothing too exciting since having taken the camera out to have a
play I had managed to put it back on the wrong setting. Photo wise our first
outing together wasn’t that successful but it was till fun. However I was tired
and it wasn’t as good as diving so once I lost everyone again I headed back to
the boat to see what I could see from there. Once on board and in dry clothes I
headed to the sundeck to discover that I had missed seeing some sea turtles and
even though I waited around for a while they declined to return.

Once everyone was on board it was time for dinner where our
reputation for being first in the queue was further established before we
settled down for a night of chatting and checking out each others photos,
annoying everyone had better photos than me, stupid camera – of course it was
the cameras fault I didn’t put it back on the right setting and not at all my
own stupidity. The certified divers were heading out on a night dive which we
took great interest in as we were to go out on one the next night. For now
though we could only look on and listen in which was fairly entertaining since
their safety talk was quite amusingly given. Of course one advantage of not
diving meant that we were first (surprise surprise) to get the evening treat before
it was time for an early night. I was going to resist, I brushed my teeth and
everything but it was apple strudel. I love apple deserts it was too much for me
and a completely unfair temptation. I could only hope all the swimming would be
working off at least some of those calories.
The next morning we were glad of our early night as we were up with the sun.
Now it is well established by my nearest and dearest that I am not a morning
person. I made this quite clear and fortunately I was not alone. The assembly
and buddy checks were done without much conversation and the previous days
banter was definitely missing. Once we were in the water though the time of day
was irrelevant. We had moved to a different site in the reef the previous day
so this was our second dive site ever and it was awesome and yes, you guessed
it, amazing. I am not exaggerating or kidding. I couldn’t help but smile even
though it meant I kept making my mask leak. Every time I got in the water I
never wanted to leave it. Even the realisation on my first dive that Josh would
have loved it (he loved snorkelling and fish) didn’t dim my enthusiasm, if
anything it made it more precious. I have no idea why neither of us never thought
to try scuba before. It seems insane with our mutual love of water, new things
and adventure it simply never occurred to us, anyway I digress. Where was I? Oh
yes dive three, location two, stupid o’clock in the morning. So laughably our
skills on this dive involved navigation, fortunately they gave us a compass so
not even I was able to get lost either above or below the water. Skills tested
it was off for a swim. Two major events on this dive were reaching 16.9m, the
deepest I had ever been, and seeing a sea turtle having its breakfast. I
floated in the water and did my best to animate jumping up and down with my
hands in two fists making a jumping motion. I am sure I looked completely
ridiculous but it was all just too much. This was as close to heaven as I was
going to get whilst still breathing.
Post dive it was time for breakfast, of course we were
first, why were you even wondering? Before it was time for the most important dive
yet: our qualifying dive. During breakfast we moved to yet another part of the
reef but it wasn’t long before it was time to assemble our gear for the last
time on this trip and then complete our buddy checks before we could hit the
water. Our final test was to hit 15.2m
but not go deeper. We were warned that there would be a reward for success and
punishment for failure. Being me failure was not an option and boy was I glad
that I succeeded. This was my fourth dive in less than twenty four hours but
the joy didn’t wear off. Every dive was as astounding as the last and the reef
was just stunning. This time though the euphoria was something else, once we
were back on the surface we were all qualified open water divers!!! But before
we were all signed off there was the small matter of the dive test. Thankfully
I hit 15.2 then stayed well above because that meant I got chocolate whereas my
unfortunate fellow divers who got a little carried away by the stunning scenery
and drifted below got crackers with vegemite and mustard. Sometimes it really
pays to be..... pedantic, shall we say? Anyway vegemite or chocolate we were
all happy as because in case you didn’t get it already, we were all certified
open water divers!!!! Hells yeah!! And my life has once again changed
direction, for now when I think about where I go and what I want to do there
will be one question I shall always ask: How accessible will the nearest dive
sites be?