
Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Bye bye England!!

It’s almost time for my first trip abroad on my own, eeek! The last month has been amazing. For three weeks I have been getting ready for this trip and now is here. I must confess though I wasn’t getting ready at the weekend, I was at Centre Parks with the WAY Foundation and I had a fabulous time. I went with a good friend and her children and we had some lovely ladies next door who we knew in varying degrees. Everyone else in our villas had polite, well behaved, gorgeous children and I had a great fun borrowing them to play in the pool, go on the rides and I even got to take them trick or treating on the Sunday night! When we returned for the guising (as it’s knowing in Scotland) I was even rewarded with cocktails. It was a truly amazing experience. Every day and evening was filled with fun and laughter, you would never have know from looking at us that we had all suffered such huge losses. There was the occasional wobble but when they happened there was always someone on hand to lend a hand or give a hug. I’ve chatted with a fair few of these people online so it was lovely to put faces to names and really find out what people were like. It was a great finale to my year in England.

There was the occasional suggestion that I take a child with me as a companion, or even the odd adult, but everyone seemed to go off the idea when I explained that it was quite likely I would be living on cheese sandwiches. I can't imagine why, cheese sandwiches rock. Anyway one of the kids came up with a superb compromise and Zack the highland cow was purchased and adopted as my travelling companion. So where ever I go I will have a reminder of both my birth home and my temporary home but most importantly those crazy people I spent my last weekend with!

Pre-CP trip I have managed to get most of my belonging into long term storage. I have booked my ticket to Australia and I leave for Sydney on the 22nd of March. I have a ticket and visa and even a goal whilst I am there, some habits are too hard to break I guess. I had a scuba taster class at CP and I loved it so I hope to become a qualified scuba diver whilst I am away and am even hope to do some lifeguard training as I feel it is important for me to know how to look after myself and others. It might not happen as it will depend on the work I can get when I am there but it gives me a purpose and some goals and I have discovered that though I may not be the same person I was 19 months ago some things are definitely the same, which is nice. It has been suggested that I will find myself on this trip and though I would like to scoff at it in the last 3 weeks I really feel like I am learning all over again who I am. The real me is emerging and I think I kind of like her.

Anyway I best sign off and pack my bags so I can head back to Scotland! England it has been a pleasure living here. York ladies it has been a privilege to meet you and I am going to miss you!!! Though I will be back to visit sooner rather than later so you won’t have much time to miss me. Right, Scotland Here I Come! (With Zack the highland cow of course!)


  1. I am glad you enjoyed CP .I still need to get there .
    Good luck with your travels toox
    Penny Barlow

  2. A wonderful start to your adventures. Sounds so good to be on your way. Looking forward to sharing your travels.
