
Wednesday, 8 April 2015

January 2014: Backpacker No More (For Now)

Back in the real world it transpired that my manager not only quit sooner than originally planned but also rather suddenly so when I arrived back at work straight from the plane it was clear that everyone was glad to see me. The owner was glad to have me do an impromptu shift and I even had a go at doing the roster. We had a chat and she said that they thought it would be a good idea to have someone with management experience take over from my previous manager. Whilst we had discussed me taking over I must admit I was somewhat relieved with this decision as my few months as supervisor was the sum total of my management experience. I said I thought it was a good idea but was happy to be acting manager whilst they looked for an appropriate replacement. After all my visa was up in 6 months so to me it made sense. They placed the advert and in the mean time I got on with trying to remember all my previous manager had taught me. I must admit I had a lot of help from the existing staff and was grateful for all their support whilst I figured it out.

Therefore the first month of 2014 was mostly work, work and more work. I did fit in some fun along the way, Te Papa held an impressionist exhibition which I not only found interesting but also very relaxing. I had forgotten how much I enjoy art, especially the impressionists so it was a great way for me to unwind on my day off. I do wish that Wellington had a proper art gallery as I miss going and looking at art on my days off. There are a lot of little galleries and they have big exhibits occasionally but it’s not the same. Anyway this exhibition was amazing and I’m glad I managed to see it before it left.  I also attempted to start another blog, foolish when I think how little I was posting in this one back then but hey ho. The challenge was to post a photo every day of something I am grateful for. I found it quite difficult as it turns out a lot of hat I am grateful for cannot be photographed but I persevered and got off to a pretty good start.


I did manage to spend some time with my friends. As well as the odd coffee, drink and even lunch date one friend excitedly announced that she was going to get tickets to see Jimmy Carr which I thought would be an excellent way to unwind after a busy month so I promptly invited myself to go along with her. I’ll admit he’s not my favourite comedian but he was in good form and I enjoyed some much needed laughter. It was absolutely worth going to work the next day on four hours sleep!

By the end of the month I was ready for the weekend off I had looming in February and apparently was doing a rather good job as my boss decided that they weren’t finding anyone who could do the job as well as I was. They offered me the job permanently and asked if I could extend my visa. It would mean committing to another year but the money was more than I’d get at a normal hospo job and whilst challenging it certainly wasn’t a boring job so I said sure, then I went home and panicked!

As well as working I was also working on playing blog catch up. When I started I didn’t think it would take long as not much had happened. I was surprised to realise how wrong I was. I turns out that even when you stay put life can still be interesting and keep you on your toes. After months of playing catch up I’m still more than a year behind. I just hope blog Lyn can catch up to real Lyn before she leaves Wellington!

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