
Monday, 4 March 2013

Settling into Life in Cairns

My time in Cairns so far had been all fun but it had been a month since I had worked. My bank balance was getting low and I was getting bored. I know it sounds crazy but there is only so much holidaying I can take. I had a job in the hostel housekeeping but I needed to eat as well so I set about applying online for work. There had been talk of some reception hours but I didn’t want to rely on that in case it turned out I wasn’t suitable, after all that would be a completely new roll for me. As well as looking online I went for a walk around town only to arrive back at the hostel and announce to the manager/receptionist/friend that I didn’t want to be a waitress anymore. Fortunately for me one of the other employees was moving on soon and had been working a lot of hours so I was able to pick up a few paid hours with the promise of more if I worked out ok. This made me happy because as much as I actually like working in customer service I think I needed a break from waitressing. Also I appreciated the challenge of learning a new role which would push me out of my comfort zone.

In other good news a friend from Broom had been working her way up the east coast and was due to arrive in town the day after me. She arrived at 21:00, was at my hostel by 21:30 and we were in the pub by 22:00. The rest of the week was spent exploring Cairns together. I showed her my favourite place to buy ice-cream and we chilled out at the lagoon down by the esplanade. I was also fortunate enough to be offered a few trials. I turned down most but one was an agency which I thought might be useful so I went to see them and worked a function for them. It was easy money as I had been waitressing for the last nine months but it did re-enforce that I was happy to have a break from it.

During my second week living in Cairns the hostel employed another girl for housekeeping in exchange for accommodation. I was slightly apprehensive about not getting to choose who I lived with but all my worry was for nought as she turned out to be a young really lovely German student. She was in Australia to practice her English and thankfully got on well with my other friend so the three of us spent much time together. Life was further improved by my ear infection clearing up allowing me to get back in to the water once again, very important when the coolest place in the city is the lagoon.

After two weeks working and living in the hostel I knew I had struck it lucky once again. I liked and got on with the people I lived and worked with and I had friends to spend my free time with. For the first time since losing Jonathan I think I actually had a sensible work/life balance going on. I didn’t realise it then but now I do I best be careful, after all I’d hate to get too normal at this late stage in the game!

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