
Saturday, 30 May 2015

It’ll Be Quiet They Said...... And So Ended 2014

Wellington pretty much closes down between Christmas in mid January. So when most of my staff requested leave I happily granted it knowing that at least one person from one of the closed stores would be looking for shifts. In the end I had two of my usual staff and one borrowed and boy did we earn our pennies.

Yes Wellington was quiet and there were very few people around however this meant that most places were closed making out little cafe very popular with those left in town! Thankfully my borrowed member of staff (as well as being a very good friend) is an excellent barista so I could happily leave her on coffee leaving myself and the other two to look after the serving, running, clearing and everything else. It was a hard week but we survived and had the satisfaction of knowing we had all worked hard and well. If I was in any doubt of this reading the reviews online the following month confirmed that we had performed our jobs excellently making me one very proud manger. I was also one very tired manager so when New Years eve rolled around I was more than ready for my next two days off. And this time I was definitely resting!

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